What a deeply sweet article. Preserving memories is like the countenance of our emotional archive, it is indeed a whole tapestry of experiences. I have often thought of the diary of life being depicted as a day-by-day weave that can be seen as a whole story, with other knickknacks attached to it along the way. Even if a life is lacking in precious moments, I think the stream of dynamics that create a life story can look gracious in so many ways.

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Yes, that's so true. Lack is also based on perceptions to a degree, which makes reflecting on moments even more worthwhile, Carla.

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Apr 14Liked by Raksha Daryanani

My god, that last para, that madee think,

An hard experience actually, that would be an amazing sweet part of life I guess if had happened as I dreamed but all dreams do not come true may be for our own good,

I met a person, who made, um actually makes my hearts skip a beat and raise my pulse each time, and I had an really special moment when I shook hand with her, but things didn't go that well and we couldn't get close, i respectfully appreciate her decisions and just try make their life better as much I can with and attached strings, and if I tried to preserve this, I will be in a guilty trap forever, so I'll allow this to fade away as life keeps happening to me 😊

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I understand why you choose to let go of this memory. Not all moments are worth holding on to, and it takes maturity and presence of mind to realise that, Rajnikant. Thank you for adding this perspective by sharing your story.

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Apr 14Liked by Raksha Daryanani

Reading through your words have helped me so much to attain this thought process,


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Thank you! The beauty of reflection is in what we take away from it. Standing still and looking at something from afar has its benefits :)

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