Jun 9Liked by Raksha Daryanani

Nice article. I particularly resonate with the fact that purposeful dopamine comes from engaging in meaningful work. My key takeaway is making time for spiritual practices rather than engaging in them when time permits.

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That was insightful for me too, Mohit. I know it's the first thing that goes out of the window when we are busy. I'm glad you enjoyed the read and hope you read the next installment on June 16 :)

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I think it's spot on that we tend to fixate on work for value, because it's tied up with money. Thank you for that reminder and the meditation. I will give it a try!

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I was always told the same thing by peers - don't build a career around something that doesn't pay. It never felt right because a lot of the things we do for money don't bring innate value, Lisa. I'm glad you felt it was useful and hope you get to read the second installment on June 16.

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You can avoid a stressed brain by building everything around your spiritual practices, which’ll give you a foundation for your dreams and well-being... a great reminder that self-discovery as seasoned practitioner is the salt on the table of self-care.

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That line made such a big difference to me too. I'm glad you found it useful. The article has a second part too, in case you are interested.

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I will be reading it today!

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Jul 17Liked by Raksha Daryanani

Enticing interview. Powerful messages and techniques, that's just cool.

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Thank you. I hope the techniques he's shared are of help.

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Yeah, the techniques and perspectives he shared are really great.

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Jun 10Liked by Raksha Daryanani

Yeah. Dope article. I also strongly resonated with the "meaningful dopamine" parts. Reminding me of my own work on motivation, focus, and flow - and literally my morning journaling routine. Also reminding me of Nir Eyal's work; "If we say we get distracted by digital pings and dings; what are we being distracted from?" -> We often don't spend even nearly enough time and attention thinking about what is actually important to us (e.g. purpose).

Look forward to the next part! Also: sorry for the incoherent word jumble comment :)

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Glad this made you think and connect it to something you'd read about. A lot of concepts are already there in the world and we keep seeing them brought forward in other ways, I believe. I have reduced time on social media for this reason too. It was consuming me.

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