I love this reflection, Raksha.

I thought and wrote about the effect the Colleseum had on me too - the suffering of those people and animals - for entertainment. Obscene.

Have we developed? Yes and no. We keep repeating wars,but most countries no long sponsor killing for entertainment.

Thought provoking as always.

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Amazing that we both have had the same thoughts and written about the Colosseum, Lisa. I think it's important to acknowledge what progress we have made and the gaps that still exist. We may not be able to change things at global level right away but at individual level our actions impact the environment in many ways.

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Jul 18Liked by Raksha Daryanani

Ruins do tell intriguing stories full of varied emotions running wild, and I hope we (all humans) learn valuable morals from them rather than just posing for clicks. I'm not against posing, but if one knows the tales behind it, it would be more nice.

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Thank you for adding that. Pictures and posing are part of tourism and we can definitely be respectful.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19Liked by Raksha Daryanani

Of course, they are part of tourism but am damn sure some of these posers are just touring for fame and may not know anything about that spot other than their names which they had learned by heart from looking at the map or hearing their fellow travelers say a lot. Lol!

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Jul 12Liked by Raksha Daryanani

I think we are often drawn to ruins because in them, we see the story of humanity -- on a grand scale. The good, the bad, the ugly -- it is often written in the very walls of buildings. And in understanding the stories of our past, we can understand where we stand today -- and perhaps have some insight into where we want to be tomorrow. The past, present, and future are all connected — and we are the connection point.

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You phrased that so well. Thank you, Ren. The good, the bad, the ugly are all there. If only we open our eyes to see and learn from them.

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Jul 7Liked by Raksha Daryanani

monuments are ephemeral, the soul that illuminates your writing is eternal 🙏🏻

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Thank you! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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