Jan 16Liked by Raksha Daryanani

On new year, my office ofganised secret santa celebration, and we were supposed to gift something to the person whose name come to one's slip. I didn't choose a expensive gift, like some of the colleagues, but wanted to share a heart touching memory, so I choose a classic model Mini replica of a Car,(I work at a vehicle finance company) and a hand written note, I still don't now how the person felt, I didn't ask him too(he will not share his true reaction), but couple of days later a senior colleague came to me and shared about her disapproval for the gift I chose.

Some people had got really expensive gifts like a Titan wrist watch for a new joinee girl, and A silk saree for another lady, and gift meant to strengthen bonds, became a way to showoff the possession.

But there i learnt the importance of being detached from the gifts you give to others, the gifts are meant to strengthen the bond and friendship between two people, not the resources the giver have.

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In Dutch we have a saying that literally translates to: one shouldn't look inside a gifted horse's mouth. It means one should appreciate a gift rather than assessing it's value. I think what you gave was wonderful and the thought process behind it matters. People will always have an opinion :)

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Jan 16Liked by Raksha Daryanani

That's a beautful story and reflection. It brings to mind my own childhood. I recall receiving a Hot Wheels car on my younger brother's birthday. It was something we had always done. On that occasion I asked my mom where that tradition had come from. "Because of you."

All three of my brothers (two older and one younger) were born in May. My birthday is not until November. One after another had a party and received gifts and I felt left out. So they began giving the non-birthday children one small gift.

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What a kind thing your family did. I gather it must have made a world of difference, David. Thank you for sharing:)

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