Some things are worth fighting for, and others, no less important, worth letting go of, Raksha.

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The letting go has to be done, Lisa. Fighting takes a lot of energy.

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Aug 28Liked by Raksha Daryanani

I cannot control other people's perception of me. And if they are not open to me showing/telling them who I am, I have to focus on those who are 🫶

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29Author

How we are perceived by others is the hardest part to accept and can feel like a struggle from deep within us. I agree that you can focus on those who are able to see you and accept you. And I would add: we must see and accept ourselves first, regardless of those who refuse to acknowledge who we are.

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Ah, the final words...that no amount if convincing can make someone else see who you really are, that it will change their minds, I mean sometimes it happens, but it is extremely rare -- and only because they decide to see things differently, when they realize that they allowed other things and people to influence them rather than thinking or feeling for themselves. That's where the challenge lies. There's many deep messages between the lines, history, family traditions and sometimes where there is no tradition none at all, I don't know which one is worse.

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I am glad you saw the messages hidden between the lines, Carla. It's difficult for many, because acceptance and connection are one of the fundamentals for us as beings, and not getting them is akin to being in pain.

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