Hi there, you!

Welcome to moments that fill you with awe and stillness, and a place where your thoughts can take off.

Reflect & Breathe is a place for stories, essays, and reflections on life, culture, spirituality, wellbeing, personal development, and mindfulness. A moment where you go “Ahh, that’s beautiful”, regardless of how hectic or hard your day has been. You may even wipe away a tear of joy and gratitude while reading (so I’ve been told).

Every post gives you the chance to reflect on your experiences, understand your actions and beliefs, and decide what you’d like to change, facilitated by the questions I share at the end. I hope this community becomes your favourite place for becoming aware of and grateful for the tiny yet priceless things.

About Me

I’m a freelance journalist, editor, voiceover artist, and ghostwriter. You’ll find my daily posts on LinkedIn. I’ve (ghost)written books, articles, and social media posts for businesses, magazines, and leaders globally too.

In 2018, my interest in humanity, mindfulness, and spiritual pursuits led me to become a certified Theta Healing Practitioner - a powerful modality that helps one overcome dysfunctional beliefs and replace them with new, positive ones. Theta healing accesses the subconscious mind through theta brainwaves.

These certifications have helped me build a daily meditation and reflection habit, as well understand their powers for self-improvement. I’ve become more aware of the life’s beauty beyond basic human perception ever since. Reflect & Breathe is my way of sharing how reflecting on our experiences helps us live happier, fulfilling lives.

I send out 1 post a week. Don’t like emails? Simply download the Substack app to read the newsletter there. I much prefer it!

Paid subscribers and founding members

Writing is a true labour of love for me, but writers need to make a living too. Becoming a paid monthly/annual subscriber keeps this newsletter going and accessible for everyone, and gives you access to a community for learning, and sharing your thoughts and experiences.

Plus, when I have at least 7 paid members, I will start offering monthly online reflection sessions, where we grow and reflect together in a safe space. That’s more than what a magazine offers you for less than the price of 2 coffees a month :)

Founding members gain free and exclusive access to a one-day reflection workshop in sunny Barcelona. In this workshop, I will show you how to become a happier, lighter soul by:

  • Observing your surroundings

  • Working with your state of mind

  • Reflecting on what matters to you

  • Gaining a new perspective

We will have a meal, get to know each other and our goals, and write reflective stories/journal entries. It’s my gift to you.

Before you go:

  • I read and reply to every single comment under my posts to understand your experiences and thoughts, help me build a relationship with you, and write about topics that matter.

  • Feel free to share the posts that resonate, as that is a wonderful compliment in itself.

  • For suggestions and feedback, drop me a note via Substack or via: reflectandbreathe@substack.com

Thank you for reading and being a part of my community. I hope to keep surprising you with the benefits of reflection and awareness, and help you bask in the beauty of life through them :)

Warm regards,

Raksha Daryanani

Subscribe to Reflect & Breathe

Stories to increase (cultural) awareness, exclusive exercises for experiencing joy + monthly online reflection sessions for living mindfully.


A writer and theta healing practitioner who shares weekly reflection exercises and essays to increase awareness. Explore the (inner) world, experience peace, and find moments of joy with me❤️